Beirut suffered a tragic explosion on Tuesday, August 4th, 2020. The death toll, injuries and destruction resulting from the blast have been catastrophic. Designers and creatives whose showrooms and studios are mostly located in the epicenter of the damaged area are now struggling to survive. In a single moment, their livelihoods, life achievements and businesses disappeared.
In order to support the restoration and survival of this sector, a group of creative industry professionals have joined forces to share resources for the launching of this crowdfunding campaign. Working in consultation with the affected designers, the fund has been able to identify the assistance needed as well as the amounts required for each of the 39 applicants.
With the unified support of Starch Foundation, Slow Factory Foundation, Fondation Saradar, Bureau Des Créateurs, Maison Pyramide, Faux Consultancy and Roni Helou, the fundraiser will benefit Beirut’s independent designers and artists whose damages amounted to over 850,000$. Beirut’s creative talent is not only essential to the city as a beacon of hope and reflection of Lebanon’s unique culture but also a vital industry supporting the livelihood and employment across Lebanon. Together and with the help of all its supporters, Beirut will rise again.
For online donations, please visit the link:
For bank transfer, please direct to the account below:
BANK ADDRESS: Charles Malek avenue | Saradar Building | Achrafieh
P.O.BOX: 16-5766
Beirut, Lebanon
Phone: +961 1 339000
ACCOUNT NO: 1329772
IBAN USD-CURRENT ACCOUNT: LB44004800000011329772007840
IBAN USD-FRESH FUND: LB780048000000113297720066840